Cheap-for-Downtown, Oil on Canvas, 14"x18", 2021

I moved to Kansas City the Summer of 2020, bringing with me a handful of unfinished canvases; mostly sets of big billowing clouds. Covid looks to have permanently adjusted my creative energy, happily knicking me away from more collaborative mediums. I found a cheap-for-downtown 9th floor apartment overlooking the largely art deco skyline of the "Heart of America", hermitted myself inside when not selling my labor, and started painting at the window. Seasons and people turned under my feet, blending into the pavement and air surrounding them while I illustrated each of us, naked from my perch. Here's the result of my desperation to sacrifice time, effort, and anything else it might require to effectively communicate one idea; what it's like to be responsible for a name in this time and place.

- Cherry-Apple Peach

