
Born in 1989 to a 16-year-old, single mother, Cherry-Apple Peach is an artist based primarily in the American Midwest. The work blends classic representational art and later conceptual art of the 19th-century symbolists through the personal lens of a highly-dynamic, American oil painter whose message is informed by and against intense poverty. The current collection in-process hijacks the symbol systems etched into our collective consciousness, to relate the story of Cherry-Apple Peach and you in this strange time and place.

"There are certain symbols that inspire emotion, regardless of one's participation with their respective ideologies. The crucifix, for example. There's an emotional weight to that simple shape and all others in its class, which is the shared heritage of our species. It doesn't belong to anyone in particular. It is ours. All of it. The manuscripts and grimoires of alchemists and magicians of the past are also shot-through with symbols that make unexpected demands on our emotional experience. The psychic wi-fi connecting us all runs deep with symbols from lives not our own, a rich visual language with roots that grow down into the nerves of our souls. I've ripped open the junk-drawer of my head's collected symbol systems to craft a language drawing us all together for the ritual of a life worth living."